Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Star Wars and Style Sheet

It is always cloudy this week but is very comfortable to stay.
Waking up at about 7am, gettig up at 9:18am.
My working time is from 10am until 22pm. After working, I ate Chinese noodle with my collegue and my boss at the restaurant near our office. Miso Ramen was so delicious! I ate the soupe completely.
While taking in the train, I was listeng and doing Shadowing the story about "Star Wars" with my MP3 player. I thought that I did very well but I was not able to hear the names of people in this series. Then, I was reading a book about style sheet.
After returning home, I tried changing the CSS of my blog but unfortunately, not successful...
In the future, I hope to create my blog with my own design by writing CSS.


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